Our services

How it works

  • Kenya’s first ride-hailing approach to scene of accident management services.
  • Our one-stop approach combines various services under one platform for your convenience.
  • MyResque leverages a pool of vetted, and accredited service providers. Upon request, the platform connects you with the nearest provider to ensure fast response, with a target average response time of under 15mins.
  • Our partnerships are strategic. We have visibility of motor accidents when they happen (typically within 3 to 5 mins). And incase you have policy benefits e.g. towing benefit, you get to enjoy free service.
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Service delivery journey

Step 1 - Reporting incident

  • Motor vehicle accident and / or incident situation
  • Independently reported accident associated with partner insurance company
  • Service request via contact centre (phone), USSD, or WhatsApp

Step 2 - Providing information

  • Confirm accident / incident location, obtain additional situational information
  • Provide towing destination or choose one of many pre-defined towing destinations
  • Triangulate and connect with nearest accredited SP, based on nature of service request

Step 3 - Validating eligibility

  • Validate eligibility for insurance policy benefits
  • Notify insured regarding cost of service (including net of policy benefits)

Step 4 - Notify insured of SP connection

  • Notify insured of SP connection and track SP response and progress

Step 5 - Deliverying service

  • Service delivery by SP as prescribed by MyResque

Step 6 - Settling payment

  • Settle payment and provide feedback

Step 7 - Accessing report

  • You may access end of service SP report and service history

Step 8 - Other related services

  • You may run multiple service requests for different services at the same time e.g. MyResque Buddy alongside towing and recovery request

Our towing and recovery rates*

*the rates are estimates and may vary subject to terms and conditions.

Category A
Salon, station wagon & sedan (up to 2tons)

Distance: 0-30km KES 6,000
Per km beyond 30km: KES 220
Recovery: KES 2,800

Category B
SUVs, pickups & estate cars (2-4tons)

Distance: 0-30km KES 7,500
Per km beyond 30km: KES 240
Recovery: KES 3,700

Category C
Light trucks, minibus 25pax (4-6tons)

Distance: 0-30km KES 8,500
Per km beyond 30km: KES 290
Recovery: KES 5,000

Category D
Light trucks, minibus 52pax (6-8tons)

Distance: 0-30km KES 10,500
Per km beyond 30km:
KES 450 (6-7tons)
KES 490 (7-8tons)
Recovery: KES 6,200

Category E
Heavy trucks, buses >52pax (Above 9tons)

Per km base rate KES 580
Per km/extra ton weight:
KES 180
KES 10,500 (9-10tons)
KES 12,000 (10-12tons)
KES 16,000 (13-20tons)
KES 20,000 (20-50tons)