Our services
*the rates are estimates and may vary subject to terms and conditions.
Distance: 0-30km KES 6,000
Per km beyond 30km: KES 220
Recovery: KES 2,800
Distance: 0-30km KES 7,500
Per km beyond 30km: KES 240
Recovery: KES 3,700
Distance: 0-30km KES 8,500
Per km beyond 30km: KES 290
Recovery: KES 5,000
Distance: 0-30km KES 10,500
Per km beyond 30km:
KES 450 (6-7tons)
KES 490 (7-8tons)
Recovery: KES 6,200
Per km base rate KES 580
Per km/extra ton weight:
KES 180
KES 10,500 (9-10tons)
KES 12,000 (10-12tons)
KES 16,000 (13-20tons)
KES 20,000 (20-50tons)